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by Our manager in practice
24 August 2007

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Weekend work puts the boot in

It’s been another hectic week for our anonymous practice manager, reporting from the frontline …

Another Friday afternoon… they seem to come around faster and faster, or is that just another symptom of my age, along with the inability to read anything without glasses?

This Friday, I’ve been contemplating what has been a very long and tiring week, almost entirely occupied with a serious staff issue. Apart from the fact that it has been upsetting and challenging, it seems to have taken up every waking hour. So the remaining “to do” pile has grown rather during the week.

Still, following our “Black Friday” (see 3 August) the office at least looks a lot tidier and cleaner, and there is now room in the filing cabinet!

The week has been lengthened somewhat by working some of each weekend at either end! On Sunday, it was the “Friends of the Practice” car boot sale, which necessitated an early start for you-know-who (well, early for a Sunday) to open up so tables could be used (not to mention toilets).

Of course, it rained, so it was not a complete success, though they raised another £100 for the funds. Unfortunately the same few were involved in organising the event and it appeared the same people as usual turned up to support it.

We face a constant battle in trying to get some of the younger patients interested and involved (by “younger”, I mean anyone under 65!) Is this a problem for you too, either with a “Friends” group or a patient participation group? Or have you managed to solve it? I would love to know how you did it … and no doubt someone else out there may need to know as well.

Tomorrow (Saturday), I will again be in to open up for the carpet cleaners. Each time they are due (about every three months), I think I’m bound to have work to do, so always arrange to save paying staff overtime by coming in myself. But each Friday before, I wish I had asked someone else to come in!

Well, at least I might be able to make some headway with that pile of work. But I’m off now to have a a nice relaxing evening (I hope)! See you next time.

Your comments: (Terms and conditions apply)

“Yes I do agree! Gone are the days when mothers passed on simple first aid tips to their children which means they are now bringing their own children to the surgery for the most minor of ailments, which could easily be treated at home or by visiting the pharmacy. Interestingly, we have had two A-level students in the surgery this week to observe as they are thinking of studying medicine. Two days on they have both changed their minds. They were amazed at how busy we are and what we all do. We got them to sit in the waiting room for an hour and observe from a patient point of view as well. So whose role should it be to educate our patients? I think it should be done at a young age, say GCSE year or year before at school by the school nurses and reinforced  by the Health Visitor and free publications given out when mum gives birth” – Catherine Barton, Practice Manager, Isle of Wight