Here are the slide presentations from the recent London 2010 Management in Practice Event on 1 September 2010 in PDF format for you to download and view at your leisure. (Adobe reader required – click here to download it for free.)
Where now for general practice?
Dr Richard Vautrey
Deputy Chair, BMA’s GPs’ Committee
Richard’s keynote address outlined what the white paper and consultation documents actually say, and suggested why a process of critical engagement is necessary for all practice staff.
Managing data and information effectively
Dawn Monaghan
Group Manager of Public Services, Information Commissioner’s Office
Dawn’s session raised awareness of the obligations to proactively disseminate information, and the considerations that should be taken into account to ensure security of personal data.
Managing urgent care in general practice
Dr David Carson
Director, Primary Care Foundation
David’s session presented key messages from the Carson Report, which set the standard for unscheduled care in the healthcare community, and presented practical examples of implementation of its principles.
Stay up-to-date with the latest regulatory updates
Professor David Haslam CBE
National Clinical Adviser, Care Quality Commission
David looked at the principles and values at the heart of registration, what the CQC development is likely to mean to practices and their teams, and the potential for the future.
The Equality Act 2010 in the workplace
Lydia Bradley
Workplace Equality Manager, ACAS
Lydia focused on areas where the Equality Act 2010 expands existing discrimination legislation, and drew out the key implications for the management of surgeries, highlighting practical steps that managers can take to ensure their employment policies and practices are compliant with the Act.
A responsive practice: the untold benefits of marketing
Dr Michael Taylor
Brand Development and External Relations Lead, The Family Doctor Association
Michael aimed to demystify the art and science of marketing, to enable practice managers to vision new possibilities for further improvement. His presentation highlighted the importance of practice identity and brand.
GMC overview
Professor Peter Rubin
Chair, General Medical Council
The GMC is now responsible for revalidation – the process by which doctors will show every five years that they are up-to-date and fit to practise, based on evidence gathered during annual appraisal and periodic multisource feedback. Peter discussed the background and future of revalidation in this session, giving an overview of the GMC.
Afternoon keynote speech
Dr David Colin-Thomé OBE
National Director for Primary Care, Department of Health
David explained why he believes new commissioning responsibilities handed to GPs should be seen as an opportunity for the frontline to extend its influence, and outlined the future challenges and opportunities for general practice.
Fit for the future: a legal update
Lynne Abbess, Christian Dingwall and Jean Sapeta
This session focused on the key subjects of what the white paper means, employment issues/TUPE, keeping your house in order, and more.
The NHS and social care complaints procedure
Dr Christine Walker
Medicolegal Advisor, Medical Defence Union (MDU)
Christine’s session outlined the current complaints procedure, introduced in April 2009. It has two stages only, with emphasis on local resolution, learning and improvement. There is a responsibility on the person handling the complaint to work with other responsible bodies involved to produce a single response to the complainant.
Training Workshops
NHS Pensions – is there light at the end of the tunnel?
Philip Weatherall
Director, Fairway Training Limited
Philip’s training workshop examined the current situation of NHS Pensions following the recent Public Sector Pension Reform, considered what the future holds for NHS Scheme members, and reviewed the challenges facing practice managers in their role as a pension administrator.
Successfully managing your commissioning responsibilities
Carl Ashworth, Dr Paul Davies and Lesley Kippax
Commissioning Business Service
This training session looked at how to make the most benefit from the commissioning cycle, specifically: practice business improvement, effective engagement in management, managing risk and patient management.
Using data effectively and efficiently in medical practices and the health service
Barry Tuckwood
Managing Consultant, Barry Tuckwood Associates
Vanessa Young
Practice Manager, NHS Practice Management Network
This session facilitated discussions on how data is obtained and managed for the benefit of patients, medical practices and the NHS. Barry shared examples of how organisations have improved their effectiveness through careful consideration of the purpose behind collecting and sharing data, the methods by which it is obtained and verified, and the means by which it is shared.