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Management in Practice Birmingham 2009 – presentation slides

13 October 2009

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Here are the slide presentations from the Birmingham 2009 Management in Practice Event in PDF format for you to download and view at your leisure. (Adobe reader required – click here to download it for free.)

Swine flu and general practice – lessons learned and next steps
Dr Maureen Baker
Honorary Secretary of Council and Flu Pandemic Lead, Royal College of General Practitioners

Maureen discussed the preparatory work conducted by the College prior to the emergence of swine flu and the ways in which the first wave of swine flu affected the UK and individual practices. She considered the current situation and present challenges for practices, and looked at implications for the future, and the impact on practices.

Launch of the NHS Practice Management Network
Geraldine Taggart-Jeewa
Practice Manager, North Meols Medical Centre, and Family Doctor Association Practice Manager Representative
Dr Mike Warburton
National Director for Dental and GP Access, Department of Health

Geraldine and Mike discussed the launch of the new NHS Practice Management Network, and described the importance of access and responsiveness in primary care, and the practical tools that are available to support providers, commissioners and patient participation groups to improve responsiveness locally.

Financial dos and don’ts this year
Rosemary Smith
Senior Manager, Whittingham Riddell LLP

Rosemary looked at the preparatory steps a practice can take in order to maximise its profits. She also considered: how to ensure that the additional work, or existing work, is cost effective; what income is at threat and how to attract new income; making sure income you earn is received; keeping costs to a minimum; safely calculating drawings; and how much income should be left as working capital.

World class commissioning: adding life to years and years to life
Carolyn Robertson
Associate, NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement

Carolyn provided both an overview and an update of world class commissioning, and discussed how this impacts upon practice-based commissioning.

Resolving workplace disputes
Howard Paskin
Adviser, Acas

Howard considered the inevitability of workplace disputes and the detrimental effect on performance caused by people not getting on with each other, as well as the advisability of tackling small problems rather than allowing a dispute to escalate out of proportion. He also discussed when the involvement of a mediator may be necessary in order to facilitate an acceptable resolution, and how to avoid expensive and stressful tribunal proceedings by making early use of Acas conciliation.

Current legal issues affecting general practice
Derek Bellew
Solicitor and Consultant, Veale Wasbrough Lawyers

Derek discussed a number of issues, including why each practice needs a Medical Partnership Agreement, and the consequences of not having one.

An alternative approach to access
Dr Tareq Abouharb
GP, Limes Medical Centre, Essex
Debbie Bodhanya
Executive Director, Limes Medical Centre

A year ago, the Limes Medical Centre won the Management in Practice Practice of the Year Award for their practice solution to improved access. The triage system has now been tried, tested and tweaked! What has the team learnt? What have they changed and what can they share?

Pitfalls in practice
Dr James Armstrong
Medicolegal Adviser, Medical Defence Union

James looked at a series of dilemmas commonly faced by practice managers on the subject of “the three Cs”: confidentiality, consent and complaints. He provided guidance on the relevant law and ethical guidance that applies in each case.

Improving healthcare outcomes and provisions
Adam Harridence
Stakeholder Manager Primary Care, NHS Choices

Adam’s presentation illustrated the key features of the NHS Choices site and what it has to offer GPs and their patients. Later this year, patients will be able to leave comments on NHS Choices about their practice experience, and Adam explained how this will work in practice.

Patient Participation Group can be a powerful asset to your practice
Danny Daniels
Chair, National Association for Patient Participation

Danny gave a brief overview of patient participation in the UK – when and why it started, and how it has developed to its present status. Case studies were used to illustrate the positive benefits of having a PPG working in partnership with your practice. Danny also looked at the various methods used to establish a PPG, and some of the techniques used to ensure its viability and effectiveness.

The stress of modern practice
Mark Peters
Director, Clinical Professional

Stress doesn’t happen instantly – it slowly sneaks up while we try to adapt; before long we find ourselves overstretched and overstressed, so what can we do to help? Mark’s session identified common stressors in practice and looked at simple tools to enable us to manage.