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MPs criticise NHS records plan

3 August 2011

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MPs have criticised an IT system designed to integrate NHS patient care records, saying it is unworkable and has wasted millions of pounds.

Some £6.4bn has been spent on the £11bn National Programme for IT so far, including £2.7bn on patient records.

However, the Commons Public Accounts Committee said although the plan had a “worthwhile aim”, it was “beyond the capacity of the department to deliver”.

The MPs said the new system was “significantly” behind schedule and that the costs had added up.

They added that the Department of Health could have avoided some of the issues and waste by consulting with healthcare professionals when the project was launched back in 2002.

Copyright © Press Association 2011

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“So ridiculous expenditure because the govt thought it knew better than those actually delivering the service – no change there then” – Name and address withheld