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Frontline staff vaccination programme begins

16 July 2013

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An additional 108,000 staff have chosen to be be vaccinated in the NHS flu fighter campaign, NHS Employers has announced. 

GP surgeries, trusts and other organisations who apply will receive the NHS flu figher support material and access to advice in time for the winter campaign. 

NHS Employers hopes that preparation before the vaccine becomes available in September will ensure that the vaccine can be easily accessed, with high staff awareness. 

The number of frontline staff choosing to be vaccinated has climbed by 108,000 since NHS flu fighter began in 2011 – an increase from 34.7% (in 2010/11) to 45.6% (in 2012/13). 

Dean Royles, chief executive of NHS Employers said he wants to get the message across about how important vaccinations are. 

He said: “Every year flu kills many people from vulnerable groups such as those who are already sick, the elderly and young children. 

“These people also often need to visit the NHS. So we’re doing this to help keep flu away from the NHS, to keep patients safe and to keep staff healthy.”