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How to increase your QOF income: Epilepsy

20 October 2023

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GP Dr Gavin Jamie looks at how practices can attain maximum points within the epilepsy area of QOF’s clinical domain

Summary – indicators and value

  • Indicators: 1
  • Points: 1
  • Prevalence: 0.6% (this is an estimate based on latest available QOF data and current trends)
  • £/patient on the register (estimated): £3.50


Epilepsy used to be a substantial part of the QOF, but now there is just one vestigial indicator and a single point.

Other than putting patients on the register there is no additional work required and patients are likely to remain on the register for several years, so the payment is better value than it may appear.

Indicator EP001: Maintain patient register (1 point)

The register is made up of patients 18 years old and older who have a coded epilepsy diagnosis and have received a prescription for anticonvulsants after October of the QOF year. The range of qualifying diagnostic codes and drugs is wide and should not present challenges.

The practice will receive around £3.50 for each patient on the register and this is the only factor in payment; prevalence has no impact as there are no achievement indicators in epilepsy.


  • If a patient is receiving medication from another source then a suitable prescription will still need to be issued on the practice system. This can be entered as a ‘hospital issue’ on the practice computer, or a prescription can be issued mirroring the hospital one and immediately destroyed.
  • As this is purely about maintaining a register there is no exception reporting available. If a patient’s epilepsy has resolved, this can be coded – they are likely to come off the register anyway if their medication has been stopped, but in some cases they may be receiving anticonvulsants for another indication.
  • Searching for anticonvulsants can help to identify patients who have not been correctly coded, although this may be more complicated where drugs have multiple indications.

Epilepsy indicator in full

  • The contractor establishes and maintains a register of patients aged 18 or over receiving drug treatment for epilepsy (EP001).

Dr Gavin Jamie is a GP in Swindon and runs the QOF database website

Further reading/resources

NHS England – Quality and Outcomes Framework guidance for 2023/24. Published 30 March 2023.