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Tax on chocolate “would help tackle obesity”

12 March 2009

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GPs are to be told the current obesity epidemic sweeping Scotland could be controlled by taxing chocolate.

Lanarkshire doctor David Walker says a chocolate tax would remind the public of how unhealthy the food is and its link to weight-related conditions including diabetes, high-blood pressure and back pain.

The family GP will tell the British Medical Association’s (BMA) annual conference of Scottish Local Medical Committees in Clydebank how another danger is the speed with which almost half a day’s calories can be consumed in just a matter of minutes.

Dr Walker, based at Airdrie Health Centre, said: “I believe that chocolate is a major player in obesity and obesity-related conditions.

“What I’m trying to get across is that chocolate is sneaking under the radar of unhealthy foods.

“More than one person has said to me, ‘oh, but isn’t chocolate good for you?’ but any benefits are more than outweighed by the detrimental effect of obesity.”

He explained that anything in moderation is fine, such as one or two squares of chocolate, or one chocolate biscuit a day. But he points out that eating a 225g bag of something like Minstrels while watching the television is where a problem arises.

Copyright © Press Association 2009


Should chocolate be taxed? Your comments (terms and conditions apply):

“No. Please save us from misguided initiatives. What about crisps, fatty burgers and chips, buckets of fried chicken; I could go on. Those who eat rubbish will still eat rubbish regardless of a tax on one small part of it” – Name and address withheld