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Social care ratings released

28 April 2015

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Under CQC’s new programme of inspections, all of England’s adult social care services are being given a rating according to whether they are safe, effective, caring, responsive and well led.

150 new ratings and reports were released yesterday, 48 in Central England, 66 in the South of England and 36 in London.

None were rated outstanding, 75 were good, 60 requires improvement and 20 inadequate

Adrian Hughes, CQC’s Deputy Chief Inspector for Adult Social Care, said:

“Whenever we find a service to be Inadequate, we will consider taking further action on behalf of the people who use the service, so providers of those service should take the publication of the inadequate rating as a signal that immediate action is required to improve the service”

Those rated inadequate who are mentioned below will have individual action plans and set time frames, but they need to be seen to be improving after a maximum of 6 months. If not, they could be fined or have their services restricted.

However those who have been inspected after 1st April will be part of the new ‘special measures’, which have more clean-cut rules. They must improve within a year or get closed down.

Central England
In the past week the Care Quality Commission has published a further 48 reports on the central region, 27 of these care homes and homecare agencies have been rated as good, 23 have been rated as requiring improvement and three have been rated inadequate.

Central region

Adult Social Care services by local authority area and rating:

South of England
There are 66 new reports on the quality of care provided by adult social care services across the South of England. 29 of these have been rated as good, 24 have been rated as requiring improvement and 13 have been rated inadequate.

36 reports on the quality of care provided by adult social care services across London reveal 19 of these care homes and homecare agencies are rated as good, 13 have been rated as requiring improvement and four have been rated inadequate.