Nurses, midwives and those learning to be health visitors are the NHS staff with the lowest average sickness leave, the latest figures from the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) revealed today.
Moreover, the overall staff sickness absence has dropped slightly, for the first time in a year, from June 2014 where it was 3.95%, to 3.94% in June 2015.
Staff in nursing, midwifery and health visiting learners had the lowest average at 1.07% sickness absence rate, while healthcare assistants and other support staff were the highest with an average 6.08% average sickness absence rate.
The data uses the sickness absence rates and total days lost and was supplied by staff groups, Health Education England (HEE), CCGs and regional organisations.
For June, the most recently analysed month, the north west of London and south London Health Education England (HEE) regions had the lowest regional sickness absence at 3.28% and the north west HEE region had the highest at 4.56%.
Among the types of organisation, ambulance organisations had the highest average sickness absence rate with an average of 5.32% and clinical commissioning groups had the lowest average with a rate of 2.39%.
Read the full analysis here.