Community services such as bilingual stroke rehabilitation programmes and diet and nutrition training are a step closer to reality thanks to funding worth £1.5m received by NHS staff.
The government’s Innovation Awards programme is aimed at encouraging health professionals to take a lead in assessing local service needs, deciding priorities, shaping outcomes and developing community services for the future.
The Department of Health said the awards follow on from the commitment made in High Quality Care for All and are a direct response to feedback from patients calling for more services to be developed closer to patients’ homes and in the communities where they live.
The funding for the scheme was announced in January by Christine Beasley, Chief Nursing Officer, to enable NHS staff to develop ideas to transform community services.
Karen Middleton, Chief Health Professions Officer, said: “I think the breadth of services that have won these awards demonstrates the essential contribution that clinicians working in the community make to improving health and wellbeing.
“This is in no small part down to the dedication of the clinicians and support staff working in partnership with patients and clients, and I am pleased we can celebrate their achievements in this way.”
Copyright © Press Association 2009
Department of Health