Eighteen new projects will have access to a £5.5m pot to come up with innovative new ways of helping people from marginalised communities cope with diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease, care services minister Phil Hope announced today (Wednesday 19 November 2008).
The projects form the second wave of “Pacesetters” – a scheme set up in 2007 to improve the health and wellbeing of people in deprived areas. The new Pacesetters are free to come up with innovative ideas but must focus on specific serious conditions.
The first wave of the Pacesetters programme has already been successful in tackling health inequalities from marginalised communities.
Successful projects in wave one include: designing services for deaf communities through the first British Sign Language care plans; increasing breast-screening rates for women with learning disabilities in Walsall; and improving experiences for people with learning disabilities staying in hospital.
Pacesetter trusts in wave one of the programme worked on testing new ways to improve access to services for vulnerable communities. The second wave of the programme focuses on making an impact for families affected by diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease.
Mr Hope said: “Pacesetters is a groundbreaking project, which tackles health inequalities in marginalised communities. With this phase, our aim is to help families affected by serious diseases.”
The next wave of Pacesetters projects will provide further case studies and evidence to help other trusts tackle health inequalities in their areas.