More than 70% of GP practices in England are now offering extended hours, according to the latest government figures, released yesterday (10 February 2009).
Of 8,258 practices surveyed, 5,873 (71.1%) offered extended opening hours on the census date (21 January 2009). This compares with 68.9% in December.
The results also show:
- 148 (97.4%) commissioners have achieved the Operating Framework aim of 50% of their GP practices offering extended opening hours. In December, 147 of commissioners had achieved this aim.
- Just one commissioner had no GP practices offering extended opening hours – the same figure as in December.
- 59 (38.8%) commissioners have 75% or more of their practices offering extended hours. This is a slight rise of 56 (36.8%) in December.
Department of Health
Your comments (terms and conditions apply):
“I was in full agreement with the proposal from the start, and it has worked really well at my surgery – 97% attendance rate on our three evening surgeries. However, I disagree with the local PCT dictating how we should do it” – L Bzdek, Berkshire