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Managers asked for views on state of infrastructure in general practice

by Beth Gault
9 January 2023

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The RCGP is calling for responses to a survey scrutinising the physical and digital infrastructure in general practices across the UK.

The anonymous survey will be used to ‘aid the development of proposals’ for ways in which general practice infrastructure could be improved by governments, NHS bodies and local systems.

The research includes a specific section on training capacity, which has been developed in collaboration with Health Education England and the NHS England primary care estates team. It hopes to gather up to date information about training capacity within primary care, including the types of learners practices are hosting, the barriers to increasing the numbers of training places within practices and any current work underway to improve premises and the impact of this on training places.

The RCGP said: ‘We want to hear your views and insights about the state of physical and digital infrastructure in general practices across England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales.

‘We know that infrastructure challenges add to the many pressures facing general practice, and that improvements are needed to support you. By completing this survey, you will be contributing to the collection of valuable data that will aid the development of proposals for the ways governments, NHS bodies across the UK and local systems could improve and invest in general practice infrastructure.’

The IGPM has also encouraged its members to take part in the survey.

In a statement on Twitter, the body said: ‘An increase in the primary care workforce requires an additional learner capacity, and in order to deliver this, additional physical space for supervision, induction and ongoing learner support is needed.

‘Please can you support the RCGP, NHS Estates and HEE with their UK wide capacity survey? It is designed to gather accurate and up to date information about placement capacity within primary care as well as physical space available.’

Last month, a BMA survey found that almost 80% of doctors think the number of IT systems used within the NHS is a significant barrier to digital transformation.

The closing date of the survey is 13 January. To access it, visit the RCGP website.