Health minister Lord Ara Darzi (pictured) is set to publish his report on the future of the NHS, which will include plans to increase access to GPs.
He will say that delivering world-class high-quality care for everyone must be a fundamental goal of the NHS.
Workers must also be given more say on ways to improve NHS services for local communities, he will add.
A Health Innovation Council will also be set up, and £100m will be pledged to help the NHS introduce new medical devices and diagnostic services.
He said: “This vision for the future should not be just mine – or the government’s – but a vision for the future of health and healthcare in England that is developed and owned by patients, staff and public together.
“This is not about imposing more change from the centre. Effective change needs to be led locally, driven by clinicians and others working in partnership across the service.”
Both Prime Minister Gordon Brown and Health Secretary Alan Johnson used the Labour party conference to call for greater patient access to doctors outside of office hours.
But the British Medical Association (BMA) has accused the government of using the media to attack GPs.
Back in July, Lord Darzi published a review of the NHS in London which recommended the creation of regional polyclinics.
Some experts fear that his latest review could recommend similar plans for the rest of the country.
Copyright © PA Business 2007
Department of Health
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