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GPs in England cash largest paychecks

16 July 2007

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Since the 2004 introduction of new national contracts GPs in England earn more than their colleagues anywhere else in the UK, Information Centre figures reveal.

Net figures show that self-employed family doctors in England earn £103,564 a year compared with £82,696 in Scotland, £91,558 in Wales and £91,151 in Northern Ireland.

However, UK earnings, although higher, are increasing at a slower rate than those of Scottish, Irish and Welsh colleagues.

Across the country dispensing GPs tend to earn even more than the average net income, which is also up from last year.

Earnings also increase as GPs approach 59 years of age but drop off after their 60th birthday.

Acting chairman of the British Medical Association’s GPs Committee Dr Laurence Buckman says that the new GP contract has “delivered a planned uplift in income.”

He adds: “The pay increase was essential as, while workload had increased, GP income had fallen behind, and job vacancies could not be filled.”

Do you think this is a good estimate of GPs earnings? Is it deserved or has it contributed to health service deficits? (Please supply your comment, name and location in the feedback box below. Your details will not be published if you so request.)

Your comments: (Terms and conditions apply)

“I think this is probably an accurate average although higher than experienced. GPs have delivered on QOF and have continued with their excellent level of care. They have more than earned the amounts. In any other industry a freeze on pay for 2006/2007 and 2007/2008 would not be tolerated. Health Service deficits should not and cannot be laid at the door of GP practice” – Name and address supplied

“I feel they deserve every pound in their pocket with the hours they work to keep their heads above water and the demand from patients is forever increasing” – Bet Wilkes Telford, Wrekin

“Just as doctors start to get paid what they are worth, the government decides to grab back large chunks of it with 0% added and rising costs. What other profession does this happen in? Nobody is reporting the reduction in profits now” – Name and address supplied

“The senior partner in my practice takes home (after expenses, but before tax) £125,000 pa.  He works 30 hours per week. How many other professions works such short hours for such high wages?” – Name and address supplied

“Yes. In fact given the hours they know have to put in for QoF etc. I would say they deserve more” – Name and address supplied

“Doctors in the NHS have been underpaid for many years. GPs are now earning an amount comparable with other professionals e.g. solicitors. Consultants should be paid more than GPs earn for the extra responsibility they carry” – Name and address supplied

“Yes it is a good estimate of earnings. I believe that QoF has contributed directly to improved patient care and that primary care has been rewarded for its achievements” – Name and address supplied