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Cumbrian health authorities rule out polyclinics

15 May 2008

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The health authorities in Cumbria have moved to quell fears that the much vaunted supersurgeries proposed by Lord Darzi will not be imposed locally.

The polyclinic blueprint put forward in the ongoing review of NHS services, which would centralise a greater number of services and providers in larger centres, has been strongly opposed in the region.

Health bosses have taken residents’ and politicians’ concerns on board and given reassurances that the greater distances patients would be required to travel preclude the system being adopted locally

It follows concern from prospective parliamentary candidate and Tory councillor Chris Whiteside about the government’s proposals for large polyclinics in the UK.

He argued that so called supersurgeries would result in the closure of some individual practices and further to travel for patients.

But a spokesman for Cumbria Primary Care Trust said: “Polyclinics were recommended as part of a review of services in London and while there may be an appropriate for a densely populated urban area, they do not meet the needs of people in Cumbria.

Copyright © PA Business 2008

Cumbria Primary Care Trust

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