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Catch It, Kill It, Bin It: swine-flu campaign begins

26 October 2009

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The slogan “Catch It, Bin It, Kill It” underlines a hard-hitting newspaper advertising campaign warning how easily swine flu can spread.

It accompanies the arrival of vaccine consignments at GP surgeries throughout the country, and signs off with: “Flu. Protect yourself and others”.

The campaign advert shows a father sneezing and spreading germs by using the TV remote control, which his young son then picks up before sucking his thumb.

Television adverts begin on Wednesday, while posters for the new autumn campaign will be on London’s Tube trains and buses from Thursday.

Said Health Secretary Andy Burnham: “Vaccination of at-risk groups is well under way – a crucial defence against swine flu. But we can’t vaccinate everyone straight away.

“Helping to stop the spread of flu is easy, simply by covering your nose and mouth with tissues when you cough and sneeze, throwing the tissue away and washing your hands really cuts the chances of spreading the virus.

“This campaign is a reminder of how easily germs are passed around.”

Copyright © Press Association 2009

Swine flu ad campaign