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BMA releases ‘manifesto’ for NHS improvement

15 September 2014

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The British Medical Association has called for the government to work “in partnership” with doctors to ensure a sustainable NHS. 

A manifesto released by the BMA has outlined what the priorities should be for a new government ahead of next year’s general election. 

BMA council chair Dr Mark Porter said that the the challenges facing the NHS will be “key issues” at the heart of the election. 

The BMA believes high quality patient care can be delivered despite rising demand and funding challenges if the government focuses on: 

 – Supporting the medical workforce.

 – Improving the health of the public.

 – Assuring the quality and safety of patient care.

 – Working together with doctors. 

Dr Mark Porter, chair of BMA Council, said: “Politicians need to work more closely with doctors and other health professionals to ensure the future of the health service. Doctors care for patients day in day out, we see their concerns and frustrations at first hand. Our manifesto outlines what doctors believe is needed to ensure the NHS continues to deliver a world-class health service both in terms of excellent care and value for money.

“Doctors want an NHS that prioritises patient care above all.  To do this, services need to be properly funded and we need to reverse the creeping privatisation that has taken place under successive governments and compromises the quality of patient care.

“The NHS is facing a £30 billion black hole in funding, while demand on services has never been greater. Our GP surgeries are full, waiting lists are at a six year high, a quarter of hospital trusts are in the red – securing the future of the NHS must be at the top of the next government’s agenda.”