The Care Quality Commission has rated a practice in Bristol outstanding, following an inspection in March.
The Care Quality Commission has found the quality of care provided by the Bradgate GP Surgery at Brentry in Bristol to be outstanding due to their integration, local community schemes and improved access for patients.
The surgery has more than 9,000 registered patients and was the first practice in Bristol to be given a young people friendly award under an NHS initiative that aims to encourage young people to feel more confident in using health services.
Bradgate hosts services such as drug and alcohol rehabilitation and mental health services, and is involved in a pilot for email consultations, which will improve patient access.
Professor Steve Field, chief inspector of general practice, said: “All of the patients we met told us how much they valued the relationship and mutual respect between them and the GPs and nurses. Patients told us they felt listened to and understood when they attended for consultations and treatment. The GPs and all their staff deserve the credit for this outstanding service.”
There is also shared learning with other practices and the manager had been seconded to another practice to establish systems of working to benefit patients.
The practice also created a direct telephone line to the practice for other local health professionals to give advice, and there is a regular morning meeting open to any attached healthcare professional.
The inspection team, which included a GP and a nurse as specialist advisors, rated the services provided by Bradgate GP Surgery as outstanding for every population group they serve including older people, people with long-term conditions, children and young people, people whose circumstances may make them vulnerable, and those experiencing poor mental health.
See the full report here.