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CQC publishes 59 reports on GP practices quality of care

15 May 2015

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The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has published a further 59 reports on the quality of care provided by GP practices that have been inspected under its new approach.

Following recent inspections by specialist teams, 41 practices have been rated as good, 10 have been rated requires improvement, four have been rated inadequate, one has been rated outstanding and three are not applicable (N/A), which describes an inspection that’s carried out to check on specific areas the CQC is concerned about, which might have been raised during a comprehensive inspection or through its monitoring work. CQC has also published a report on out-of-hours service, which has been rated as inadequate.

Professor Steve Field, chief inspector of General Practice, said:“We know that the vast majority of England’s GPs are providing a service which is safe, effective, caring, responsive and well led. If that is what we find on inspection – we give it a rating of good. Where we have required improvement, we will expect the practice to take the necessary steps to address the issue, and we will return at a later date to check that those improvements have been made.

“If we find a practice to be inadequate, we will normally put it into special measures, to allow the practice to access support available from NHS England and to ensure there is coordinated response to help the practice improve,” he said.

GP Practices listed by CCG area