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Clinicians gather for commissioning body’s first meeting

15 June 2010

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The inaugural meeting of a body which brings together clinical leaders from across the UK to debate how to develop clinician-led commissioning has been hosted by NHS Networks in London.

Delegates congregated for the first gathering of the Health Care Professionals’ (HCP) Commissioning Network at the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain’s headquarters.

Local and national clinical leaders from dentistry, nursing, optometry and pharmacy, as well as the allied health professions, met to see how the experiences of a wide range of healthcare professionals can be used in tandem with GP insights to develop clinician-led commissioning.

Clinical commissioning resource centre PBC Connection is supporting the new group, which is also working alongside the Practice Based Commissioning (PBC) Clinical Leaders Network.

HCP Commissioning Network head Stephen Foster said: “This meeting is all about defining the future. Pharmacy needs to add value to the commissioning process. We can only do that if we work with GP colleagues collaboratively to define the gaps in commissioning.”

Dr James Kingsland (pictured), who chaired the meeting, said: “One of the biggest challenges for GP commissioners is being able to undertake robust needs assessment. This is where the insights from other healthcare professionals who see different people or who see our patients in a different light can be invaluable.”

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