The Healthcare Commission is to promote compliance with the government’s proposals for primary care trusts (PCTs).
Standards set out by the government in 2004 stated that PCTs should be given more flexibility to agree local priorities with partners.
The Healthcare Commission intends to publish comparative information on the performance of PCTs against national and local priorities, so that local communities can see how their PCT is doing.
The Commission say they will maintain one overall assessment for PCTs, but also plans to score trusts both for how they buy services on behalf of patients and how the provide services.
They hope to provide a clearer independent assessment of PCT’s purchasing power.
The Healthcare Commission say they are committed to ensuring that assessment complements rather than duplicates the SHA’s role as performance managers of PCTs.
Anna Walker, chief executive of the Healthcare Commission, said: “Over the years we have shone a bright light on trusts performance against the core standards. By 2008/2009 these standards must be in place across the NHS.
“After four years the public have a right to expect a guarantee on issues such as safety, cleanliness, waiting times and quality of care, regardless of where they live. This assessment will support trusts to achieve this goal.”